Simple Feature Requests: Collect User Feedback & Share A Roadmap

Simple Feature Requests: Collect User Feedback & Share A Roadmap

In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn the essential steps to collect user feedback, prioritize it, and display it on a roadmap using a WordPress plugin. This process is invaluable for membership sites, software sellers, online course creators, or any online business that values community input. Let's dive into the details.

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  • Overview: The guide begins with an introduction to the importance of collecting user feedback and how it can be effectively managed and displayed using a WordPress plugin called Simple Feature Request.

Setting Up Simple Feature Request Plugin

  • Installation: The plugin is installed on a demo WordPress site, introducing a new custom post type called "Request" for managing feature requests.
  • Configuration:
    • An archive page for feature requests is created by adding a shortcode to a new page, allowing users to submit their requests.
    • The archive page is then selected in the plugin's settings to ensure requests are displayed correctly.

Collecting User Feedback

  • Submission Process: Users can submit feature requests through the created archive page. Each request can be upvoted by others, showing community support for different features.
  • Management and Review: The admin can review all submitted requests, changing their status from pending to various stages such as under review, planned, or declined.
  • Comments and Customization: The option to enable or disable comments on requests is available. Additionally, the plugin offers customization options, including removing the "Powered by Simple Feature Request" branding for a white-labeled experience.

Categorizing Requests

  • Using Categories: To organize feedback for multiple products or services, categories can be added. This allows both the admin and users to filter requests based on specific categories.

Customizing the Display

  • Shortcode Modifications: The appearance of the feature request page can be altered using different shortcodes provided by the plugin, offering flexibility in how requests are presented.
  • Integration with Elementor: For those seeking more advanced customization, the guide illustrates how to use Elementor to create popups for feature requests, enhancing the user interface without cluttering the page.

Displaying a Roadmap

  • Creating a Roadmap Page: A new page is created for the roadmap, utilizing a shortcode that displays requests based on their status, such as under review, planned, or started.
  • Customization Options: The roadmap's appearance can be fine-tuned with parameters in the shortcode, allowing for a tailored presentation of the development process.


  • Engagement and Transparency: The Simple Feature Request plugin is touted as an excellent tool for engaging with the audience and maintaining transparency regarding product development.
  • Call to Action: The guide concludes with an invitation to use the provided referral link to support the channel and encourages questions and community interaction through comments and a Facebook group.

Key Takeaways

  • Simple Feature Request Plugin: A powerful tool for collecting and managing user feedback within WordPress.
  • User Engagement: Effectively engage your community by allowing them to submit and vote on feature requests.
  • Transparency and Planning: Display a roadmap of planned features to keep your audience informed of upcoming developments.

This guide offers a thorough walkthrough for leveraging WordPress to gather user feedback, demonstrating the plugin's setup, customization, and usage to foster community engagement and transparent communication.

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