Tim Ferriss: 9 Habits To Stop Now

Tim Ferriss: 9 Habits To Stop Now

In this episode, Dave from Profitable Tools reacts to Tim Ferriss's viral post, "The Not to Do List: Nine Habits to Stop Now," which originally appeared in 2007. Dave explores the relevance of Ferriss's advice in today's digital age, discussing the impact of technology on productivity and the timelessness of Ferriss's strategies.

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The Not-To-Do List: 9 Habits to Stop Now - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
“Not-to-do” lists are often more effective than to-do lists for upgrading performance.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Introduction to the Episode: Dave sets the stage by sharing his surprise at encountering Tim Ferriss's post from 2007 on social media, emphasizing the post's lasting relevance and Ferriss's strategy of repurposing content.
  • Tim Ferriss's Evergreen Content: Dave notes the article's continued relevance, suggesting that Ferriss's insights on productivity and time management have stood the test of time, remaining useful for audiences even 14 years after their initial publication.
  • The Top Nine Habits to Stop Now: Dave goes through each of Ferriss's nine points, providing commentary on their applicability in the current digital landscape:
    1. Avoiding Unrecognized Calls: With advancements in caller ID and spam filtering, this advice has naturally integrated into daily habits.
    2. Not Emailing First Thing in the Morning or Last at Night: Highlighted as crucial for maintaining focus and avoiding insomnia.
    3. Refusing Meetings Without a Clear Agenda: Emphasizes efficiency and the importance of valuing one's own time.
    4. Preventing People from Rambling: Balances the need for brevity with maintaining politeness in communication.
    5. Checking Emails at Set Times: Advocates for designated email checking times to enhance productivity.
    6. Limiting Communication with Low-Profit, High-Maintenance Customers: Encourages focusing on more profitable customer relationships.
    7. Prioritizing Over Working More: Stresses the importance of identifying key tasks over adding more work.
    8. Not Being Tethered to Devices 24/7: Challenges the practicality of disconnecting in today's always-on culture.
    9. Work-Life Balance: Underlines the necessity of maintaining boundaries between work and personal life.


Dave wraps up by reflecting on the enduring value of Ferriss's advice and opens the floor to viewers for feedback on the episode's format and content.

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The Not-To-Do List: 9 Habits to Stop Now - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
“Not-to-do” lists are often more effective than to-do lists for upgrading performance.
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