Unroll.me: Mass Unsubscribe From Newsletters

Unroll.me: Mass Unsubscribe From Newsletters


In the aftermath of Black Friday, email inboxes are often overwhelmed with promotional messages, even from companies you haven't interacted with for years. This video introduces Unroll Me, a free service from the Nielsen Company, designed to help you manage and declutter your inbox efficiently.

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Key Features of Unroll Me

  • Free Service: Unroll Me is offered at no cost, providing a budget-friendly solution for email management.
  • Data Mining: As part of the Nielsen Company, Unroll Me does engage in data mining, which is a trade-off for the free service.
  • Temporary Access: The service requires access to your email but only for a short duration, ensuring your privacy is maintained post-cleanup.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Unroll Me

  1. Sign-Up Process: The user demonstrates signing up for Unroll Me, emphasizing its ease despite a somewhat complex authorization process with Google.
  2. App Password Creation: A detailed walkthrough of creating an app password in Google to grant Unroll Me the necessary permissions.
  3. Email Subscription Cleanup: The service scans your email subscriptions, allowing you to unsubscribe en masse or consolidate them into a digest for easier management.

Unsubscribe and Cleanup

  • The user highlights the process of unsubscribing from unwanted email subscriptions, showcasing the simplicity and efficiency of Unroll Me in decluttering the inbox.
  • A final step is shown where the user deletes their Unroll Me account and verifies that access is removed from Google settings, ensuring no lingering data access.

Additional Insights

  • The video concludes with a promotion for "Dave's Toolbox," a weekly newsletter offering tips and tools like Unroll Me.
  • Viewers are encouraged to subscribe for more useful tools and share their experiences or preferences for similar services in the comments.


Unroll Me presents a practical and user-friendly solution for managing overwhelming email subscriptions post-Black Friday, emphasizing data privacy and ease of use. For those seeking to regain control of their inbox, Unroll Me offers a quick and effective method to unsubscribe from unwanted emails and streamline your digital communication.

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